about image


My name is Josh. I'm a learner and scribbler.

This site is relatively ancient (I started it in high school) and has been through many platforms and other iterations. A bunch of links etc. are busted.

It is now mostly a feed of things I've made, done or posted elsewhere.

Some current favourites:

Recent stuff:

(This is automated and updates once daily)

  • Shared: A visualisation with every outdoor basketball court in the US 🤯🤯 pudding.cool/2024/09/c… - link
  • Shared: After its wettest winter in 46 years, the Greenough River has undergone a mesmerising transformation www.abc.net.au/news/2024… - link
  • Scribble: Escaping the rain - link
  • Scribble: Train sketching. The guy left before it was done :( - link
  • Article: Home ownership in Australia has been in retreat for decades. How does it stack up against other countries? - link
  • Shared: Extreme weather is making life harder for Vietnam’s delivery riders https://restofworld.org/2024/gig-worker-rising-video-vietnam - link
  • Shared: ‘Not safe to run in the dark’: how inadequate lighting in public spaces is creating barriers for women www.theguardian.com/australia… - link
  • Shared: New favourite thing on the internet is the South China Morning Post’s Panda tracker https://multimedia.scmp.com/infographics/news/hong-kong/article/3275641/panda-tracker - link
  • Scribble: Trying to get back into live drawing - link
  • Article: The Crunch: big cars and road deaths, the people’s verdict on CEO salaries and tracking baby pandas - link