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My name is Josh. I'm a learner and scribbler.

The site is quite ancient (I started it in high school) and has been through so many iterations that half of it is broken.

I mostly use it as a feed of things I've made, done or posted elsewhere. Jump to the bottom of the page for that.

Some current favourites:

Recent stuff:

(This is automated and updates once daily)

  • Scribble: Went to Carlton today
  • Scribble: Might get some new flowers today
  • Read: “arbitrary nature of the good will of our prime minister threatens to reinforce a well-worn myth of deserving and undeserving migrants” www.theguardian.com/commentis…
  • Scribble: Red and yellow and red and yellow
  • Article: The Crunch: interest rates, daylight saving, and the best character in Mario Kart
  • Article: As 190,000 households wait for social housing, application numbers are only increasing
  • Scribble: Morning coffee #2
  • Read: “Everything worthwhile we collectively make is complex or, honestly, messy. The cracks are where new people and ideas get in.” This is a great read on the need to ‘rewild’ the internet www.noemamag.com/we-need-t…
  • Scribble: Yet more phones
  • Article: Australians dropping fruit and vegetables from diet amid cost-of-living crisis